
I assume, there is this one mandatory section for every blog. Here you will find information about licenses, data privacy and contact information. But, I also want to give a gist about the purpose of this blog.

I assume, there is this one mandatory section for every blog. Here you will find information about licenses, data privacy and contact information. But, I also want to give a gist about the purpose of this blog.

💪 Motivation

while-true-do.io was founded to have a hosting space for a small community of developers and enthusiasts. One might say "a space to share thoughts". Unfortunately, this never really took off and I (Daniel Schier) am the only permanent contributor.

Anyway, I discovered that I love to write articles, come up with some code for the public and share my thoughts with you. Today, the intention of this blog is "share my thoughts with the community".

✉️ Contact

In case you want to get in touch with me or reach out for general questions, please use one of the below contact details

The German law demands an Imprint for most websites, which is maintained in a dedicated page.

💾 Technical

I am self-hosting all the infrastructure on some VPS machines, monitor them and have basically all the deployments and setups automated. Below, you can find some additional information about this.


For hosting, I rely on netcup GmbH. Therefore, I have the following services there:

  • Domain Name Services (providing the DNS infrastructure)
  • Domain Hosting (contract for my domains)
  • Servers (VPS and root servers)
  • Network (basically data center infrastructure)
This website is hosted Green - checked by thegreenwebfoundation.org


I am aiming to make the entire infrastructure as transparent as possible. Therefore, all deployments, configurations, and pipelines are Open Source. In general, it works this way:

  • Ansible and other automation used for Infrastructure as Code
  • All code is maintained in Git repositories
  • New releases will be signed after some development testing with a Git tag
  • GitLab-CI used to validate, test and deploy on release
  • Notifications are sent to our Matrix channel


You can find all active monitors and the general technical status on the monitoring dashboard. You can also check out the Matrix channel to get notifications about discovered issues.

In addition, I have regular maintenance windows for all services.

Planned maintenance


  • Mon - Sun, 00:00 - 02:00 UTC


  • Mon, 03:00 - 04:00 UTC
  • Thu, 03:00 - 04:00 UTC


  • daily, but most likely on the weekend

In case you find any irregularities, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the above contact details or send a mail to support@while-true-do.io.