On this page, I want to share some books that I read in the past. I may add links, more context and whatnot. For now, it's just a plain list of titles, which is also incomplete.
In case you want to recommend something to me, please do so via the contact options.

I am mostly into Sci-fi, but also appreciate some fantasy and other fiction books.
Fiction Books are mostly for relaxation and chill. But, I do like this little weirdness in the story. Also, most of the books I read are baring some kind of criticism about our world right now.
- Quality Land 1/2 - Marc-Uwe Kling
- Känguru (all parts) - Marc-Uwe Kling
- Mindset - Sebastian Hotz
- 1984 - George Orwell
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (all parts) - Douglas Adams
- Achtsam Morden - Karsten Dusse
- Klassenkampf - Andre Hermann
- Canopus - Dirk van de Boom
- Das Netz der Sterne - Andreas Brandhorst
- Sternenspiel - Sergej Lukianenko
- Sternenschatten - Sergej Lukianenko
- Spektrum - Sergej Lukianenko
- Tagebuch eines Killerbots - Martha Wells
- Der Unsichtbare - H. G. Wells
- Sterntagebücher - Stanislaw Lem
- Solaris - Stanislaw Lem
- War of the worlds - H. G. Wells
- Daemon - Daniel Suarez
- Wächter (alle Bände) - Sergeij Lukianenko
- Metro 2033/2024 - Dmitry Glukhovsky
- BIOS - Daniel Suarez
- Die Farben der Magie - Terry Pratchett
- Die Therapie - Sebastian Fitzek
- Der tiefere Sinn des Labenz - Douglas Adams
- Die Letzten ihrer Art - Mark Carwardine
- Future - Dmitry Glukhovsky

Tech books
I do read tech books occasionally for learning and education.
Tech books are not preferred way to learn about technologies, but there are some that I really like.
- The Linux Bible - Christopher Negus
- Ansible for DevOps - Jeff Geerling
- Clean Code - Robert C. Martin
- Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin
- Ansible for Kubernetes by Example - Luca Berton
- The DevOps Handbook - Gene Kim
- Skalierbare Container-Infrastrukturen - Oliver Liebel
- Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery - Jon Duckett
- AngularJS - Philipp Tarasiewicz
- Agile Web Development with Rails 4 - Sam Ruby
- KI 2041 - Kaif Fu Lee, Quifan Chen

Business books
Learning about business and management is vital to make an impact in today's market.
Business, for me, is not only about economy. It is about people, relationship, processes, tools and methods, but also about legal and standards. Therefore, you will find a lot of books here.
- Clean Agile - Robert C. Martin
- The Goal - Eliyahu M. Goldratt
- Critical Chain - Eliyahu M. Goldratt
- Escaping the Build Trap - Melissa Perri
- It's not Luck - Eliyahu M. Goldratt
- Lean Enterprise - Jez Humble
- Buy then Build - Walker Deibel
- Beyond the Goal - Eliyahu M. Goldratt
- Death by Meeting - Patrick Lencioni
- Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek
- Beyond the Phonix Project - Gene Kim
- Radical Candor - Kim Scott
- They ask. You answer. - Marcus Sheridan
- The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
- Team of Teams - General Stanley McChrystal
- Kill it with Fire - Marianne Bellotti
- Team Topologies - Matthew Skelton
- High Output Management - Andrew S. Grove
- Continous Discovery Habits - Teresa Torres
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things - Ben Horowitz
- Think Again - Adam Grant
- Zero to One - Peter Thiel
- The Innovator's Dilemma - Clayton M. Christensen
- Good to Great - Jim Collins
- Inspired - Marty Cagan
- The Science of Storytelling - Will Storr
- The Manager's Path - Camille Fournier
- A Radical Enterprise - Matt K. Parker
- The Phoenix Project - Gene Kim
- The Unicorn Project - Gene Kim
- Creativity Inc - Ed Catmull
- Start with Why - Simon Sinek
- Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität für Manager - Stephen R. Covey
- Empowered - Marty Cagan
- Agile Spiele und Simulationen - Marc Bleß
- Making Work visible - Dominica Degrandis
- Accelerate - Gene Kim
- The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
- Measure What Matters - John Doerr, Larry Page
- The Culture Code - Daniel Coyle

Philosophy & Psychology
Philosophy and spiritual books keep me interested for ages now.
Occasionally, I put my toes into philosophy, too. I am not becoming a philosopher by any means, but it is interesting to see how things were already done thousands of years ago and still apply today. Further, philosophy really carries some kind of wisdom in it, which teases me a lot.
- Ikigai - Héctor García, Francesc Miralles
- The Daily Stoic - Ryan Holiday
- Stoizismus: Das besondere Buch für den angehenden Stoiker - Matthew Van Natta
- The dawn of everything - David Graeber
- Range - David Epstein
- Thinking, Fast and Slow - Daniel Kahneman
- Noise - Daniel Kahneman
- Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi PhD

Self Improvement
When it comes to "1% every day", I need some inspiration, for sure.
Becoming better, for me, is not only about myself. I am often aiming for books that help me understand others, or improve myself, so I can build better and deeper connections.
- Der Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
- Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers PhD
- Die 1% Methode - James Clear
- Atomic Habits - James Clear
- Limitless - Jim Wik
- Die Kunst des klaren Denkens - Rolf Dobelli
- Der 4-Stunden-Körper - Timothy Ferris
- Das Buch der Freude - Demond Tut, Douglas Abrams, Dail Lama
- How to talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes
- Atomic Habits - James Clear
- Die 7 Wege zur Effektivität - Stephen R. Covey
- The Shallows - Nicholas Carr
- Konzentriert arbeiten - Cal Newport
- Kommunikation und was Sie darüber wissen sollten - Peter Brandl
- Rhetorik - Michael Ehlers
- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson
- 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
- The Big Five for Life - John Strelecky
- Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat - Samin Nosrat
- How to make the best coffee at home - James Hoffmann
- The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything ... Fast - Josh Kaufmann
- The Personal MBA - Josh Kaufmann
- Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite - Paul Arden
- It's Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want to Be - Paul Arden